Is guest Wi-Fi you are using safe?

If you use public Wi-Fi, are you aware of the fact that the network which you are using for free internet browsing are actually tracing your browsing history? If the web traffic on a Wi-Fi network is directed through a VPN, the Wi-Fi administrator can see users browsing history. With the help of the right devices, gadgets and software a Wi-Fi provider can see your browsing history and many other things on your device through cookies. Therefore next time whenever you are using a free Wi-Fi for browsing the internet make sure to take some precautions and be on a safer side then to regret later. The so call free could cost you must hire then you have ever expected putting your privacy on the line.

Public Wi-Fi providers can easily see your browsing history, and every web-page you had visited on that network. What's more, if the URL demonstrates Http://, and the site doesn't use encryption, the system administrator can understand the information using a packet data. That information can incorporate individual profile information, login, password, and more. 

If the URL in your program, in any case, demonstrates an extra "s", https://, and then you are theoretically sheltered. The traffic is scrambled, so the Wi-Fi providers can't see the site pages' substance yet Wi-Fi provider can observe your browsing history and get deeper into it.


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