GDPR Complaint Wi-Fi and Consent Management

Guest Wi-Fi has become a major tool for most marketers to promote their business to their target audience. However, after some time same Wi-Fi has become a big burden on them because many consumers are complaining of financial fraud caused to them when they used their business's Wi-Fi network.

In 2018 the European Council has brought GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) to prevent stealing of consumer data from Wi-Fi signals or particularly an unsecured Wi-Fi network. The European Council has made it mandatory for the businesses to take the consent of the users while sharing their personal and private data with the marketers for marketing and business promotion. To make this effective European Council has made it mandatory for the businesses to comply with GDPR complaint Wi-Fi that will ensure 100% privacy of consumer data which will include their name and other financial details like Internet banking passwords, debit and credit card numbers.

The GDPR has evoked the concept of consent management towards the consumers as the businesses are bound to take consumer consent before using their private data or sharing their data with other marketers. Now the consumers have absolutely 100% control over doing personal data either they want to share with other businesses or not. With the help of GDPR compliant Wi-Fi, consumer data is also safe from intruders and hackers that hack consumer data and sell it to businesses.


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